Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas, Tumblr, Walmart, Jennifer and Thoughts!

Today I went to Walmart with my mom for some last minute Christmas shopping. Everyone is right. Walmart IS where the crazy people are! We were stuck there for about 2 and a half hours just because of everyone else there. I swear I almost kicked like three people. Also, I discovered that I CAN NOT wrap presents to save my life.

This was a present for my dad that my mom told me to wrap. Yes, I realize that my legs look super tiny but I'm only 5 foot 1 (maybe 2) inch, so I can't help it haha. 

     Also, you have all heard of Ashtyn & Friends, right? No? Oh... well now you have. If you don't know what Ashtyn & Friends is, it's what my little group of outcast friends call ourselves. Ashtyn (the most adorable, intelligent and tiny one of us) isn't the leader or anything, she's just the mascot. Well, anyways, we have our little group page on Facebook and I was thinking that maybe all of us should go to Tumblr because like half of us already have one and being part of a nerdy hipster "subculture" or "cult" that I'm actually pretty sure everyone knows, it might be entertaining. Then again I have no idea exactly WHAT Tumblr does. It seems... cozy.

     Jennifer! Maybe you're reading this, if so, then great! My unbiological Asian "daughter"... I hope she comes back to America. Reading some of her DeviantArt journal entries (Click here
to see Jennifer's DeviantArt), she seems really upset about not having her American friends around. It kind of bothers me because we HAVE NOT forgot about you, Jenny <3 .

And last but not least... I was in the library at school the other day and saw this book on display. *FACEPALM* I'm sorry, but really? "Breaking Up is Hard to do"... I am VERY aware of this. I'm tempted to read it just to see what it's actually like but I'm almost half assuming that it's one of those books that was written just to make money... But the title did make me laugh. Maybe because I'm still kinda broken hearted but at least this makes me giggle...

Happy Holidays, brothers!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

7 Stupid Ways to Make Christmas Vacation Awkward

     Ah, Christmas. Now we're all out of school, on our way to visit family, watching Christmas movies, drinking cocoa, eating food, going to church services that take place at unnecessary times, wearing hideous sweaters... We all probably do this exact same stuff EVERY year. Even if you're Jewish and celebrate Hanukkah, right? Well how about we mix it up this year?
     1. Play an instrument? Going to be with a bunch of family? Well, the first way to make things awkward- Sing Santa Baby everywhere you go. It has to be one of the awkwardest Christmas songs there is. Bonus points if you serenade someone!
     2. Get a mistletoe and pull it out at very inconvenient times. Wiggle it above some one's head. When they look at you, raise your eyebrows up and down really creepishly while smiling.
     3. When you see two strangers standing side by side, go in between them and grab their hands. Begin rocking side to side singing "Fahoo forest, dahoo dorest, welcome Christmas time is here...Welcome, welcome fahoo, rahoo..." (I don't know the exact lyrics so I'm sorry if that's wrong)
     4.Decorate with posters of Tiny Tim being festive. He was actually a pretty scary man, so this is pretty creepy. If you've heard that song that's like "Tiptoe through the window, in the garden, by the windmill, oh tiptoe through the tulips with meeeee..........AAAAAAaaaaahhh!!!" then you know who he is. They play that song on Spongebob in the first episode.

     5. Make gingerbread men that look like how you see your family members. Then put on a puppet show with them for your family that's totally random and features one of your family members as an orthodontist who thinks the Earth is a flat trapezoid that's made out of ice.
     6. Make a cup of hot cocoa and offer it to a family member while they're using the bathroom. Then insist on coming in and giving it to them right that moment when they say no. With a candy cane.
     7. Put on an ugly sweater and reindeer antlers with jingle bells on them and roller skate up and down your street banging a triangle (the instrument).

I originally had ten but the other three are REALLY lame. I shall be posting more stupid holiday posts so check back tomorrow! Happy holidays, brothers.

Monday, December 19, 2011

So fake?

     Lately I have been feeling really weird about myself. I just BARELY became okay with myself and then some stupid boy I go to school with called me ugly and ever since then I've been really upset. Mostly because I don't have highest self esteem as it is. I had a few guy friends/acquaintances who knew why I was upset and they spent some time trying to convince me not to listen to one person's opinion. They are right, and I got to thinking. What I was thinking is "hey, at least I'm real. Real girls are harder to find these days."  A lot of girls wear a TON of makeup. I think it's ridiculous. Of course it's ok to wear makeup but THAT MUCH?! The other thing I was thinking is that everyone IS beautiful. Some people are going to think you're ugly, some are going to think you're hot, some are gonna think you are adorable. It doesn't matter what other people think though.
     Just have fun and live life. If you know me in person, you know how weird I am. I just don't care what people think of my ideas... for the most part. All in all, you deserve to be happy no matter who you are and you shouldn't let one person's opinion ruin your happiness. Be who you want but stay true to yourself.

     For all you others out there, especially girls, remember that what matters is your character and what YOU think of yourself! So that's what I've learned this week. I promise that my next post (which will possibly magically appear tomorrow or the next day) will not be boring! Check back within the next couple days. I'm going on Christmas break so I'll be wasting a lot more time on the Internet and have more time to share my pointless adventures that take place on the Internet and in the real world.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dreams... Dreams... Nightmares... :|

     It's been a month since the worst day I have had all year and what I have noticed is that I keep having the WEIRDEST and the worst dreams. Last night I had 4 dreams. One of them was SO messed up... My friend Danielle was in my art class and I guess it was during the holocaust. Little kids were like drawing blue prints and writing out plans on bombing other countries and stuff. Danielle and I were like spying on them. I would share my other dreams but they're all nightmares about a certain person and I would rather not share them on the Internet.
     The past few days I have also been wondering if the whole "If you dream about someone it means that they have fallen asleep thinking about you" thing or whatever is true or not. I'm guessing most likely not because how would that even work? That's actually a silly idea but whatever I guess I'll find out by myself haha.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dan and Phil

*To begin with... holy cow, guys. I've gotten like 203 page views in like 2 days. It's most likely my Ashtyn and Friends crew... I love you too, Charlie, Ashtini and whichever other 24 members of us read this* Since I have not written about anything interesting since summer, I thought I would inform you about the Ashtyn and Friends' latest obsession

      My amazing group/subculture/cult of 24 of my closest friends... Even though a couple of them are just internet buddies. We have been addicted (mostly us girls) to the boys from the YouTube channel "Danisnotonfire". And of course "AmazingPhil".

     They are two randomly awesome British dudes who I literally have a six pack from laughing so hard at their videos. They kind of remind me of Ashlyn and I (Steak Sauce, as in previous posts).

     I have no idea how old they are (I'm guessing like...18,19,20? Or something) but I do admit. They are pretty attractive. And hilarious. They both have really pretty eyes, and their hair is "accidentally cool" as my friend Ashtyn describes it. Her, my friend Jill and I spent about 3 hours on Sunday just watching their videos.

     I love the Truth or Dare videos that Dan does. "I dare you to eat a banana *flips over paper*....seductively." GOOD TIMES.

"What's your favorite onomatopoeia?" "...Microwave" "That's not an ono-" "--Yes it is!"

Phil has this obsession with lions (like this little stuffed one) and he thinks that every animal makes this creepy noise that I wish there was an onomatopoeia for (unless there is and I don't know about it). It's something like "OWAHGUEBDGHVJOQQQQUAAA" .... It's also adorably entertaining when they say the word "zebra". Mostly because of the British accents. Another random thing about Dan and Phil is that they use the "your mom" comeback to EVERYTHING.
They are also always drawing cat whiskers on their faces. Like this (pic above. Dan is on the left, Phil is the one on the right).
SO if you haven't seen any of their videos or you have never even heard of them... Click here...or here...or here...or here.
Please watch them. You won't regret it. I promise.

P.S. For some reason Blogspot's spellcheck isn't working, so if I made any grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes, please forgive me.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rooster Prank

  • 1-3 friends
  • A big box
  • wrapping paper of some sort
  • A rooster
  • (optional) rooster cage
     So, back in 6th grade, my friends and I wanted to do something memorable that was a little insane and we could possibly get in trouble for. It was almost April and we decided to pull and April Fools Day prank on our teacher. We decided to put a turkey (yes, live and everything) in the classroom as a present to  the teacher. We couldn't find a turkey, however, our friend McKenna's grandparents had a rooster that they were trying to get rid of.
     McKenna got us the rooster and it was the most perfect thing ever. We named it Toast so we could talk about it and the teacher wouldn't know what we were talking about.

  1. Find rooster
  2. Put it in a big box (don't do this til the morning of the prank!)
  3. Decorate the box so it looks like a big present. Make sure to cut a square breathing hole somewhere so that the rooster doesn't die.
  4. Get to school before the teacher does. (Teachers like getting to school about an half an hour to an hour before school. Unless there's a faculty meeting)
  5. Find some other person that works at the school that is willing to unlock the classroom door for you (Tell them it's just an Easter worked for us)
  6. Put the box by the teacher's desk. Make sure to leave a "To:____" sign but don't say who it's from.
  7. Sneak out and hide out somewhere until other people get to school. Don't get caught sneaking around or it will give it away and don't tell any of your classmates.
     The morning bell rang and we all sat and did our assignments. For some reason we had a different teacher, which worried us. It turns out they were trying to prank us (lame prank...). Our real teacher came in and saw the box but didn't open  it yet.

    We were all sitting there and the rooster started cocka-doodle-do-ing. Everyone looked at each other weird. Apparently it could be heard throughout the school too haha. Finally the teacher opened it and BAM there was a rooster! She was SO confused but she laughed. We even got a picture of her face. The rest of a day we had the rooster wandering around and cocka-doodle-do-ing. It was the best April Fools day ever. I highly recommend this haha but make sure you have an easy going teacher that isn't allergic to roosters. If it's even possible to be allergic to roosters...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cube the Goldfish

     11/11/11 11:11... supposed to be the luckiest day and time ever, right? WRONG. Last Friday my boyfriend of 9 months and I broke up. It was the worst thing ever. To the point I was so upset I started spitting up blood from my nose trying to bleed and it being in my throat. 11:11 PM was really weird that night. I know I wasn't the only one who felt it because a lot of my Facebook friends say they felt it too. It was like time slowed down for the minute and I got this really weird and....shiny... feeling in my stomach.

     I also thought it was pretty ironic how it seems like a lot of people had bad days on 11/11/11. I also refreshed my FB  home page on my iPod and found it very entertaining that every single status was "Make a wish" haha.

     Anyways, I was so depressed that the next day I was supposed to hang out with a few of my friends. Steak Sauce, Maren and Danielle. (Like how I say everyone's name except Steak Sauce's? Idk why I do that... it just fits her) I was sick. I was sad. And I wanted to be alone. I told them that but they didn't let that stop them. Around 7 PM I got another text message from Danielle that said "go outside and look at the starsssss." Whenever she texts me that it means that she walked to my house to do something creepy.

     My mom answered the door and there were Maren, Steak Sauce, and Danielle standing on my door step holding this ghetto Tupperware water jug, a giant piece of green construction paper and... baby food? Inside the water jug was a gold fish. Why did they put it inside that? I have no idea but whatever. The green construction paper was supposed to be a giant card, but knowing my friends, I knew it had to be something weird. On the front, written in pen, it said "Thank you!" Then I opened up and in smaller letters it said "...very much."

     So my friends randomly cheered me up with a goldfish. They named him Cube Gerber Stuffing after being at Walmart and seeing a box that said "cube stuffing" on it and they decided he needed a middle name. Which is Gerber and the reason they got the baby food. Oh ya, I almost forgot. On Cube's ghetto water jug, they decorated it with those jelly stickers. Party hat ones. And it says "It's a party!" on it. `
 Enjoy these other pictures of Cube and such...
Just an average trip to Walmart <3
Cube(d) Gerber Stuffing is adorable.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Magic of 11/11/11 11:11

     Do you believe in 11:11? Do you wish in the AM, PM, or both? What do you wish for? But most importantly, WHY do we wish on 11:11? The truth is, no one really knows where it originated from. AND today is 11/11/11!! This morning my choir was at a Veteran's day assembly and we were all anticipating 11:11 AM. Unfortunately the EXACT moment it turned 11:11 AM was right when our song began.

     We were all extremely disappointed and as far as our performance went from where I was standing, we didn't do very well. Fortunately, we still have tonight. In honor of it I will be writing a song about it because I admit, I am a believer in 11/11...

     SO...the "magic" behind 11:11. Love is apparently a huge thing with 11:11. According to, 46,000 weddings will take place today (11/11/11). Magical? It could be. However, I bet most of you reading this have wished for a special someone at 11:11. Don't deny it.

    Even though I am not sure why we wish at 11:11, I did attempt to research about it. I couldn't find any results that actually made sense to me. Some of the results said it was because it's a fact that coincidences happen with that number more than any other number. Another one said it was when a "higher being" or angel shows itself to humanity. I don't really get that one, if you do then awesome. One of my favorite ones that I found is that it is a tradition that reminds us of what's important. So personally, I believe that 11:11 has a different meaning for everyone that believes in 11:11.  

     Be sure not to miss 11:11 pm tonight! Happy wishing!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Country Strong

     The other day my dad and I were watching TV and this movie came on. It's a story about a rising star (Leighton Meester) working with a fallen star (Gwyneth Paltrow) on their way back up to fame. I usually hate country music but I HIGHLY recommend the soundtrack to this. My dad said this is the best movie he has seen since 8 Mile, so it has to be good, haha.

     It's a little strange seeing Leighton Meester sing with Cobra Starship and then go to country. Leighton is extremely talented and I would die to be as pretty as her. In the movie she sings a song called "The Words I Couldn't Say" and her performance is great. She also preforms with a guy named Garrett Hedlund, who before making the movie did not know how to sing or play guitar. During rehearsal, the producer would work with Garrett on how to sing and play the music he needed to know for the movie. Garrett did not let him down, his performance is just as phenomenal as Leighton's.

     Together Leighton and Garrett sing a song called "Give into Me".

Saturday, October 15, 2011


     I made this graph to represent how much I suck at blogging. Maybe I should equally divide these up. Inspirational, useful. random stories and maybe a rant here and there. I'm starting tonight! But what should I talk about?

    Random Crap:
- My best guy friend's girlfriend makes me feel hideous. I hate it :|
-My friend Chriswell (that's his last name. I don't call him by his first name) gave me a pair of airplane head phones. I'm secretly keeping them incase I'm on an airplane and headphoneless.
-My mom's cousin's dog is freaking me out right now. It's 9 PM and he's sitting in front of me looking around as if he's very concerned. Apparently animals can see things humans can't.
-The other night I was watching The Dead Files. Apparently dolls were created to house spirits. Which makes sense because they're figures with nothing inside. I have always hated dolls.

Friday, October 14, 2011

More DIY?

     So I was looking through my stats and most of my audience is obsessed with the DIY Flower Clips article. I'm thinking of doing more of those but that's the thing... I have no idea WHAT to write about or do a DIY article on. What do you guys want? PLEASE HELP! This means YOU, Jennifer and friends!
-Love, me.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My best friend got married in my kitchen... well, not really but still...

     After spending all day stuck in a corn maze with 5 of my friends, I had this insane dream. Well, it's insane for me... I don't really want Steak Sauce (you all remember her, my random foreign audience from Russia) to get married yet. TOO young D:

     It all started out, we were at this place with stacks of hay surrounding us and everyone was just kinda chillin' on blankets waiting for a guy to come out with a light saber. I looked behind me and saw my friend Matt (other best friend. Love that boy.) sitting there and he had his hair done REALLY weird. It was dyed back to blond and he had it parted down the middle and across and gelled up the hair so there was 4 horns of hair. He smiled and said hi.

     After the weird jousting competition or whatever it was, Steak Sauce and I were at my house. We were in my parents' room and her mom was in my mom and dad's bed. Steak Sauce and I were in there talking to her mom about this wedding. Her mom said to me "Would you be willing to pick up Charlie?" "MOM! THAT'S EMBARRASSING! STOP IT!" Steak Sauce yelled. 

"Well who did you want to invite? Charlie and Ron Weasley's 3rd or...7th brother?" her mom said.

Anyways, it went on like this for a while. The next thing I know, I'm in knee high fur boots and a hideous dress and Steak Sauce is in this metallic tank top and a skirt. She had on heels so you could see her toes and her toe nails were supposedly painted purple but they looked like coral pink to everyone else, which she was not happy about. It was a wedding in my kitchen.

     Everyone at the wedding was sitting in those rocking banana chair things that I remember my babysitter getting mad at me for tipping over on my back when I was little...

     So Steak Sauce and her boyfriend Tyler were getting married in my kitchen. Afterwards the reception was just everyone sitting in the living room talking about our problems.

     After the wedding, I felt the need to transfer to New Horizons Alternative High School. Which is this high school for teen moms and a lot of times the juvenile delinquents. I'm not pregnant, and I've never done anything illegal so I'm not sure why I was here. Matt went here (in this dream) and he's a good kid too so I don't know why he was there. He always dressed in a button up polo shirt and khaki shorts like my old private school made the boys dress.

That's pretty much it... o.O love you guys. Rock on, Russia... And Korea! Jennifer's in Korea >:) I have random viewers...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Little Korean Friend

     Meet Jennifer. My unbiological daughter (note the UN at the beginning of biological. Of course I have never given birth.) and one of the most fascinating young women I have met. This girl has lived in 5 different countries including Germany, Japan, America, and her homeland, South Korea. She also speaks 8 different languages.

     I met Jennifer in my first hour P.E. class in 8th grade. At first I thought she was a little strange, being about a year younger than me, but then I came to know her. Jennifer has lived quite a life and I see her as a lucky person getting to see so much of the world at such a young age. She has friends from all around the world and somehow still keeps in contact with all of them.  After recently moving back to Korea, it has been really rare that her and I talk in live time now.

     If you knew Jennifer, the very first thing you would find out about her is she LOVES to take pictures. When she still lived in America she wouldn't stop taking pictures of EVERYTHING we did! She ALWAYS has a camera! Even when you think she doesn't. She's also a fun spirit and has a great sense of humor...and a TON of stories to tell.

  • Favorite color: Yellow
  • Favorite animals: Hamster, dolphin, dogs, turtles and butterflies. (How adorable hehe)
  • .....I don't remember the name but I think she likes anime!
Random quotes of Jennifer:
     Jennifer also has a tendency to come up with theories that make sense in her mind yet sometimes I can't understand. For example, here's the one she shared with me tonight on Facebook.
I like turtles because they're gentle and strong and they look cute...and
Walruses without tusks can be very adorable, especially if they're intelligent!
I'm scared of blood in the dark because when the light is on you might find yourself all bloody which is rlly terrifying.

1. They say Julius Caesar was a great, admire man but why are there so many female names starting with 'JULl'? like "Juliet" in Romeo and Juliet, or "Julianne" or "Julie" it's kind of disgusting imagining Caesar as Juliet....
Oh, and the fact that his subordinates killed him, yes, he must have been so loved and popular, enough that his subordinates wanted to murder him
     And another one....
2. I think that penguins were named penguins because they're ram rod straight like Pens...this is random but yeah...and before, pens only had BLACK ink and most penguins are black...
And another one...
3. Mice like cheese because they can sharpen their teeth on it.
Haha, that last one is my favorite! Anyways, check out some of Jennifer's artwork and photography at 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I love random life

      Everyday at school the most awkward things happen. Such as today, I was standing there in art, next to my frienemy. She said something about looking stunning in the moonlight. Right as this extremely attractive guy walked past I said "YOU look stunning in the moonlight!" I think he thought I was talking to him but truth is he probably does look stunning in the moonlight.

     I haven't posted in sooo long because I've been really busy with school and stuff. I think I've lost some readers because my stats have dropped. What I do need to write about is a character that Steak Sauce and I made up named Kimberly the Forest Lady. And some other random stories from my life.

      I also want to share the poems I have wrote for my English assignments. They are actually kind of stupid, but one of them is extremely melodramatic and I'm proud of it.  I think I will share drawings too so check back to see other things and such...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Brands I love. They really work, too!

     Sometimes it's hard finding brands that actually do their job and have the quality they claim to have. Here are a few beauty products that I highly recommend. Give them a try!

1. Dry skin? I use Vaseline cocoa butter deep conditioning body lotion. Find it at Walmart. This stuff keeps your skin soft and smelling good for quite a while. And it makes your skin glow.
2. For acne... Oxy maximum face wash is the best product I have used. It it Benzoyl peroxide and works really well at clearing breakouts. It comes in 2% Benzoyl peroxide and 10%. If you have bad acne but not too sensitive skin, use 10%.
3. Covergirl Lash Blast mascara. It can get kinda spendy but it doesn't clump up at the ends and it adds so much volume to my eyelashes that my eyes look like spiders... Although, I do have pretty long eyelashes.

4. Maybeline Unstoppable water proof eyeliner. This eyeliner doesn't make a print below my eyebrow when I blink and it actually stays where it is supposed to. I get mine at Shopco.

5. Tattooed by Inky perfume. I got my first bottle of this at a street vendor in China Town, NY. The guy said it was originally $75  but I bought it for $15. Then when I came back to my home town and ran out of it, I found it at Big Lots for like $4.50. I'm not sure if it was on sale but I love it! My favorite scents out of the ones I have smelled are Tattooed for women (pink bottle) and Koi (gold bottle).


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Christina, Christina, Christina

     Christina Grimmie is a 17 year old girl who started posting videos of her singing on YouTube in 2009. She loves video games, hence the famous Sonic poster in the background of nearly all her videos. I feel as if she is very certain of who she is and who she wants to be . By the way, who doesn't love her trademark poofy hair?

     Christina is truly a musical idol of mine and makes me want to put my music out there. I have been envying her voice and can not describe my creepy obsession with her. Ok, I guess it's not a creepy obsession, I just really look up to her and watch her YouTube everyday.

     Find Christina Grimmie on YouTube at and be sure to check out her album Find Me on iTunes!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Teenage Survival Guide #2: WORK HARDER, DUDE.

     This is kind of an awkward thing for me to write about because I do get embarrassed easily.

It goes a little like this: At the 2nd track meet of the season, I had to run a 100 meter sprint. I was having a horrible season and the only thing I was good at was hurdles, I managed to come in 1st or 2nd of everyone of those races that track season.
     After I got put into my heat for my race, I saw three of Ex-Boyfriend #2's friends. The nicest one was about 60 feet away from me on the sidelines. I could hear them betting on who was going to win. What they didn't know is I could hear every word they were saying.

In a nutshell: Ex-Boyfriend's friend said "Missy is gonna come in last." That ticked me off REALLY bad. They continued talking about me, which made me even more mad.

What I imagined would happen: The dude shot the gun (the signal for "GO"), I ran as fast as I could and at least came in 2nd. Ex-Boyfriend's friends felt dumb.

What really happened: The dude shot the gun. We all took off, I fell behind all of them, got nervous and slightly twisted my ankle. It wasn't too bad of a twist, I could still run and I didn't fall, but I kept running with the slight sting in the joint of my ankle. I came in last.
    At the finish line, I was NOT happy. I was about ready to go beat up Ex-Boyfriend's friend. My ankle still kinda hurt and I wanted to punch something because I got up a lot of confidence to run the race even tho this season I wasn't as fast as the years before. I was NOT  a happy girl. Then Boyfriend comes up and tries to calm me down as I swear that I will punch Ex-Boyfriend's friend for talking crap about me. He wasn't very happy either but he wanted to make sure I was OK.
     When I got in the car with my dad, I cried because I was so mad. Now I realize it wasn't that big of a deal but at the time it seemed like it.

     What I learned: Never talk about someone if they are less than a mile away from you. Push yourself and really work to get the results you want. In track practice, practice for ALL of your events. Not just a couple... Most importantly, stay confident and don't let the guy who wins every race get to you.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

DIY Flower hair clips and head bands

It's pointless to buy a flower hair clip at Walmart for $15 when you can make 2 or 3 for the same price. It's easy, quick and affordable. A perfect accessory for any outfit.

  • Fake flowers. Depending on how many flowers on a stem, or how many petal layers and how big you want your the flower on your clip or head band is how many to buy. The orange head band on the very bottom of the picture above is a whole flower, the clip to the right is made of half of the exact same kind.
  • <--
  • Fabric. Does not have to be a lot, just enough to cut circles that you will be putting on the back of your flower. Any color (I use pink). I have a big sheet of fabric because I make these often.
  • Plain hair clips. You can find packs of these at most craft stores. Or if you want to put your flower on a head band, then blank headbands. Color of your choice.

  • Rhinestones. They're about an inch and a half wide. They come in hearts and other shapes. These are also found at any craft store. Not the kind that has the peel off sticky thing behind it.
  • Hot glue gun and hot glue sticks.


Fake flowers:
  1. First, you're gonna gently rip the flower off  of the plastic stem
  2. Remove the middle portion (located where the rhinestone is going to be put) and if there is the green plastic leaf thing underneath, take that off too.
  3. The layers of your flowers should be stacked but not attached now. Be sure to keep the layers upwards the way they came or else your flower will turn out backwards.
  4. Do the 3 steps above to each fake flower if you want your accessory to be more than one color (such as the biggest flower in the middle of the picture above)
  5. Once you have figured out what arrangement of color you want, take the biggest layer first (usually located at the bottom of a fake flower).
  6. Take the next layer. Put a ring of hot glue around the middle around that little hole where the stem used to be on the first layer and put the second layer on with the stem holes aligned.
  7. Repeat step 6 until your flower is as big and thick as you want it. Make sure that the original smallest petal layer is on top. It will look better because the rhinestone will fit perfectly on it.

Next comes the fabric!
  1. Take out a rhinestone and get a pen or pencil.
  2. Lay the Rhinestone on the fabric and trace it, making a circle.
  3. Cut it out. Try to be as accurate as possible.
  4. Glue it to the BOTTOM middle of your flower like above. Please excuse the black head band going across it...hehehe...
Almost done!
  1. Take a rhinestone, and glue it on the TOP middle of the flower

Clip or head band?
  1. If you're making a clip, take another circle piece of fabric, the same size as the one you put on the bottom.
  2. Open the clip  and glue it underneath the top part of the clip so it looks like this (picture below)

Glue it so it is covered. This is so it will stay in your hair.

The back of your finished project should look like this.

  1. Take your flower and hot glue the head band straight across the middle of the piece of fabric on the bottom.

2. Take another piece of white fabric and glue it over the head band and other circle shaped piece of fabric.

When done, the back of your project should look like this.

Enjoy! If you have any questions, feel free to comment.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To do when you're bored...

Lately I've been EXTREMELY bored and spending far too much time on the Internet. So I thought I would share with you my list of things to do when bored.

  1. Put stuff on your cat. (head bands, Mardi Gras beads. etc.) it's fun if the cat doesn't care.
  2. Get your camera and take multiple pictures of your cat. This is one of the 30 something pictures I took of my cat Annabelle. She's kinda scary.
  3. Attempt to make a duct tape wallet. I failed, but now I have myself a duct tape bookmark...
  4. Find your dad's old cell phone from like 13 years ago, charge it and then try to work it. It's not easy.
  5. Sing the Reading Rainbow theme song (That old show on PBS Kids I used to watch in like...the 90's or whatever) over and over and over again...
  6. Get chalk, go outside, draw a giant unicorn and underneath write "I'm dirty Dan!"
  7. Learn the rapping parts to Super Bass by Nicki Minaj
  8. Watch people's cover songs on YouTube
  9. Bond with your friend's 6 year old little brother.
  10. Have a staring contest with your dog. It's actually pretty boring.
  11. If your a girl with a layered hair cut, preferably short layers, put your top layer in a big fohawk.
  12. Hang a Joe Jonas poster above your parent's bed. When they lay down to go to bed... >:) Hehehehe... My parent's haven't taken it down yet and it's almost been a year. My mom screamed.
  13. Put on way too much eyeliner. Even if your a guy.
  14. Pretend to be Elton John.
  15. Go to and try to get all the way through the Impossible Quiz
  16. Get on  Facebook and post a really boring video about how to pass a job interview on someone you don't really talk to's wall.
That's all what I've been doing while bored. I have no idea if it will unbore any of you but just in case.
P.s. Duct tape is like... the best boredom buster EVER.

Friday, July 8, 2011


     After a recent trip to the dentist, I think it's obvious why I had to get 3 fillings. Like most girls, I would strangle a priest, and run from here to the dark and soggy swamps of Uruguay and back for chocolate. That is, if Uruguay has dark and soggy swamps... I have no idea, I barely passed my geography class last year.

     After I picked out all the chocolate bits from our bag of trail mix, there is now NO chocolate whatsoever. This is what I look like right now:

     That is why boyfriends get their girlfriends chocolate. 1. So they're better looking than the creative, humorous, and scary picture above and 2. When girls eat chocolate. They forget everything and love their boyfriend again after a horrible fight.

    When I eat chocolate, it's like skipping through an field of pink and yellow akulekules (The pretty flower below) at sunset.

And just before the sun goes down, a hyppogriff (those creepy bird things from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) comes to me. I climb on and fly away to wherever the hyppogriff's heart desires ♥.  We soar over an endless type of some sort of body of water and then I fall off and land on a cloud. There, I lay stuffed with fattening, sugary, heaven in my belly.
And I live happily ever after. The end.

I love everything about chocolate. I could chug like 8 gallons of chocolate milk and want more.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Today, I am emotionally numb because of situations with a certain person. ALL day I have for some reason had my mind on the number 5; I realized the number 5 is unappreciated so lets appreciate it! >:D BTW, I think that picture of a 5 is a Swedish road sign but whatever.

The Jackson 5! Theres little Michael Jackson in the middle! How precious. APPRECIATE IT! D:<

Maroon 5! They sound the same in every song and I'm not a big fan of their music but... APPRECIATE IT! D:<

Five for Fighting! I JUST found out this was one dude and the only song I would recognize is 100 Years but... APPRECIATE IT!! D:<

Hands! They have 5 fingers! I HATE feet, which is why I'm secluding them from this pointless post, but... APPRECIATE IT!!! D:<

Remember those guys who did their own version of Getcha Head in the Game from High School Musical? Ya, I don't care about them but they're B5 so APPRECIATE IT!!!! D:<
The Backstreet Boys! There's five of them! APPRECIATE IT!!! D:<

I just noticed that FIVE out of those six things were musicians! >:D APPRECIATE IT!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Teenage Survival Guide #1: Awkward situations with someone you like

Ok, back when I was in 7th grade I liked this guy. Let's call him...uh... Kip. Ok, Kip. Anyways, I met Kip one day walking home from school with my strange and also socially awkward, yet popular among the guys friend. I didn't exactly meet him, he just turned around to say something to us and after that I developed a random little crush on him.

In a nutshell: I for some reason wanted him to know I liked him. We had never even talked before.

My solution: At the middle school dance right before Thanksgiving break I had my best friend (the one I mentioned earlier, we'll call her Steak Sauce.... what? She likes steak, stop looking at me like that...) go up and tell him that I liked him. Steak Sauce eventually found him in the midst of the random dancing 13 and 14 year olds.

What I imagined would happen: Steak Sauce: "My friend likes you." Kip: "Which one?" Steak Sauce: *Points to me* "Her" Kip: "Oh my gosh, what a beauty... of course I'll go out with her." *Dramatic music and fog* *Kip and I running towards eachother with cheesy romantic music. I jump into his arms and he spins me around* <--Just kidding that last part I just added to make this seem more interesting. Kip and I live happily ever after.

What really happend: Steak Sauce: "Will you go out with my friend?" Kip: "Which one?" Steak Sauce: "Her" *points to me* Kip: "Uhhh... no... I'm too young?" After that my self esteem dropped from a high level to an extremely low level.

What happened later: I was walking home from school alone. It was early February, and everyone was getting hyped up over Valentines Day and stuff.  Kip was in front of me with his friends and turned around and saw me. Then he stopped me and asked me what I wanted from him. I froze up, heart beating, palms sweating. "Uh..I..I wanted to be your friend...."  at this point it was obvious he thought I was weird, ugly and creepy. I then just kinda ran home.

What I've learned: Make sure you get to know someone before asking them out. When I went to 8th grade I realized I didn't really like him. So if you like someone, simpily just get to know them and things might happen... if not, you've still made a friend. It's less likely to work out if you two have nothing in common. He's a smart straight A student and I'm a A and B student in an advanced English class, who sucks at math and he would probably think I'm an idiot if he knew that.

Hello there...

So, I was bored, and decided to make a blog. I used to have a blog... back in the days when my friend and I played Club Penguin haha. We soon grew out of that and years later, here I am. If you knew of me back then, my user name was Brindlepup and my friend's was Pink Icey 186. Anyways, now I'm a lot older and smarter. I don't really know what the point of a blog is supposed to be. What am I supposed to post about?
Is it pointless if I just post and it never gets read?...actually yes, but anyways I guess we'll wait and see.