Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I love random life

      Everyday at school the most awkward things happen. Such as today, I was standing there in art, next to my frienemy. She said something about looking stunning in the moonlight. Right as this extremely attractive guy walked past I said "YOU look stunning in the moonlight!" I think he thought I was talking to him but truth is he probably does look stunning in the moonlight.

     I haven't posted in sooo long because I've been really busy with school and stuff. I think I've lost some readers because my stats have dropped. What I do need to write about is a character that Steak Sauce and I made up named Kimberly the Forest Lady. And some other random stories from my life.

      I also want to share the poems I have wrote for my English assignments. They are actually kind of stupid, but one of them is extremely melodramatic and I'm proud of it.  I think I will share drawings too so check back to see other things and such...

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