Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To do when you're bored...

Lately I've been EXTREMELY bored and spending far too much time on the Internet. So I thought I would share with you my list of things to do when bored.

  1. Put stuff on your cat. (head bands, Mardi Gras beads. etc.) it's fun if the cat doesn't care.
  2. Get your camera and take multiple pictures of your cat. This is one of the 30 something pictures I took of my cat Annabelle. She's kinda scary.
  3. Attempt to make a duct tape wallet. I failed, but now I have myself a duct tape bookmark...
  4. Find your dad's old cell phone from like 13 years ago, charge it and then try to work it. It's not easy.
  5. Sing the Reading Rainbow theme song (That old show on PBS Kids I used to watch in like...the 90's or whatever) over and over and over again...
  6. Get chalk, go outside, draw a giant unicorn and underneath write "I'm dirty Dan!"
  7. Learn the rapping parts to Super Bass by Nicki Minaj
  8. Watch people's cover songs on YouTube
  9. Bond with your friend's 6 year old little brother.
  10. Have a staring contest with your dog. It's actually pretty boring.
  11. If your a girl with a layered hair cut, preferably short layers, put your top layer in a big fohawk.
  12. Hang a Joe Jonas poster above your parent's bed. When they lay down to go to bed... >:) Hehehehe... My parent's haven't taken it down yet and it's almost been a year. My mom screamed.
  13. Put on way too much eyeliner. Even if your a guy.
  14. Pretend to be Elton John.
  15. Go to Bored.com and try to get all the way through the Impossible Quiz
  16. Get on  Facebook and post a really boring video about how to pass a job interview on someone you don't really talk to's wall.
That's all what I've been doing while bored. I have no idea if it will unbore any of you but just in case.
P.s. Duct tape is like... the best boredom buster EVER.

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