Saturday, October 15, 2011


     I made this graph to represent how much I suck at blogging. Maybe I should equally divide these up. Inspirational, useful. random stories and maybe a rant here and there. I'm starting tonight! But what should I talk about?

    Random Crap:
- My best guy friend's girlfriend makes me feel hideous. I hate it :|
-My friend Chriswell (that's his last name. I don't call him by his first name) gave me a pair of airplane head phones. I'm secretly keeping them incase I'm on an airplane and headphoneless.
-My mom's cousin's dog is freaking me out right now. It's 9 PM and he's sitting in front of me looking around as if he's very concerned. Apparently animals can see things humans can't.
-The other night I was watching The Dead Files. Apparently dolls were created to house spirits. Which makes sense because they're figures with nothing inside. I have always hated dolls.

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