Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas, Tumblr, Walmart, Jennifer and Thoughts!

Today I went to Walmart with my mom for some last minute Christmas shopping. Everyone is right. Walmart IS where the crazy people are! We were stuck there for about 2 and a half hours just because of everyone else there. I swear I almost kicked like three people. Also, I discovered that I CAN NOT wrap presents to save my life.

This was a present for my dad that my mom told me to wrap. Yes, I realize that my legs look super tiny but I'm only 5 foot 1 (maybe 2) inch, so I can't help it haha. 

     Also, you have all heard of Ashtyn & Friends, right? No? Oh... well now you have. If you don't know what Ashtyn & Friends is, it's what my little group of outcast friends call ourselves. Ashtyn (the most adorable, intelligent and tiny one of us) isn't the leader or anything, she's just the mascot. Well, anyways, we have our little group page on Facebook and I was thinking that maybe all of us should go to Tumblr because like half of us already have one and being part of a nerdy hipster "subculture" or "cult" that I'm actually pretty sure everyone knows, it might be entertaining. Then again I have no idea exactly WHAT Tumblr does. It seems... cozy.

     Jennifer! Maybe you're reading this, if so, then great! My unbiological Asian "daughter"... I hope she comes back to America. Reading some of her DeviantArt journal entries (Click here
to see Jennifer's DeviantArt), she seems really upset about not having her American friends around. It kind of bothers me because we HAVE NOT forgot about you, Jenny <3 .

And last but not least... I was in the library at school the other day and saw this book on display. *FACEPALM* I'm sorry, but really? "Breaking Up is Hard to do"... I am VERY aware of this. I'm tempted to read it just to see what it's actually like but I'm almost half assuming that it's one of those books that was written just to make money... But the title did make me laugh. Maybe because I'm still kinda broken hearted but at least this makes me giggle...

Happy Holidays, brothers!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

7 Stupid Ways to Make Christmas Vacation Awkward

     Ah, Christmas. Now we're all out of school, on our way to visit family, watching Christmas movies, drinking cocoa, eating food, going to church services that take place at unnecessary times, wearing hideous sweaters... We all probably do this exact same stuff EVERY year. Even if you're Jewish and celebrate Hanukkah, right? Well how about we mix it up this year?
     1. Play an instrument? Going to be with a bunch of family? Well, the first way to make things awkward- Sing Santa Baby everywhere you go. It has to be one of the awkwardest Christmas songs there is. Bonus points if you serenade someone!
     2. Get a mistletoe and pull it out at very inconvenient times. Wiggle it above some one's head. When they look at you, raise your eyebrows up and down really creepishly while smiling.
     3. When you see two strangers standing side by side, go in between them and grab their hands. Begin rocking side to side singing "Fahoo forest, dahoo dorest, welcome Christmas time is here...Welcome, welcome fahoo, rahoo..." (I don't know the exact lyrics so I'm sorry if that's wrong)
     4.Decorate with posters of Tiny Tim being festive. He was actually a pretty scary man, so this is pretty creepy. If you've heard that song that's like "Tiptoe through the window, in the garden, by the windmill, oh tiptoe through the tulips with meeeee..........AAAAAAaaaaahhh!!!" then you know who he is. They play that song on Spongebob in the first episode.

     5. Make gingerbread men that look like how you see your family members. Then put on a puppet show with them for your family that's totally random and features one of your family members as an orthodontist who thinks the Earth is a flat trapezoid that's made out of ice.
     6. Make a cup of hot cocoa and offer it to a family member while they're using the bathroom. Then insist on coming in and giving it to them right that moment when they say no. With a candy cane.
     7. Put on an ugly sweater and reindeer antlers with jingle bells on them and roller skate up and down your street banging a triangle (the instrument).

I originally had ten but the other three are REALLY lame. I shall be posting more stupid holiday posts so check back tomorrow! Happy holidays, brothers.

Monday, December 19, 2011

So fake?

     Lately I have been feeling really weird about myself. I just BARELY became okay with myself and then some stupid boy I go to school with called me ugly and ever since then I've been really upset. Mostly because I don't have highest self esteem as it is. I had a few guy friends/acquaintances who knew why I was upset and they spent some time trying to convince me not to listen to one person's opinion. They are right, and I got to thinking. What I was thinking is "hey, at least I'm real. Real girls are harder to find these days."  A lot of girls wear a TON of makeup. I think it's ridiculous. Of course it's ok to wear makeup but THAT MUCH?! The other thing I was thinking is that everyone IS beautiful. Some people are going to think you're ugly, some are going to think you're hot, some are gonna think you are adorable. It doesn't matter what other people think though.
     Just have fun and live life. If you know me in person, you know how weird I am. I just don't care what people think of my ideas... for the most part. All in all, you deserve to be happy no matter who you are and you shouldn't let one person's opinion ruin your happiness. Be who you want but stay true to yourself.

     For all you others out there, especially girls, remember that what matters is your character and what YOU think of yourself! So that's what I've learned this week. I promise that my next post (which will possibly magically appear tomorrow or the next day) will not be boring! Check back within the next couple days. I'm going on Christmas break so I'll be wasting a lot more time on the Internet and have more time to share my pointless adventures that take place on the Internet and in the real world.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dreams... Dreams... Nightmares... :|

     It's been a month since the worst day I have had all year and what I have noticed is that I keep having the WEIRDEST and the worst dreams. Last night I had 4 dreams. One of them was SO messed up... My friend Danielle was in my art class and I guess it was during the holocaust. Little kids were like drawing blue prints and writing out plans on bombing other countries and stuff. Danielle and I were like spying on them. I would share my other dreams but they're all nightmares about a certain person and I would rather not share them on the Internet.
     The past few days I have also been wondering if the whole "If you dream about someone it means that they have fallen asleep thinking about you" thing or whatever is true or not. I'm guessing most likely not because how would that even work? That's actually a silly idea but whatever I guess I'll find out by myself haha.