Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Country Strong

     The other day my dad and I were watching TV and this movie came on. It's a story about a rising star (Leighton Meester) working with a fallen star (Gwyneth Paltrow) on their way back up to fame. I usually hate country music but I HIGHLY recommend the soundtrack to this. My dad said this is the best movie he has seen since 8 Mile, so it has to be good, haha.

     It's a little strange seeing Leighton Meester sing with Cobra Starship and then go to country. Leighton is extremely talented and I would die to be as pretty as her. In the movie she sings a song called "The Words I Couldn't Say" and her performance is great. She also preforms with a guy named Garrett Hedlund, who before making the movie did not know how to sing or play guitar. During rehearsal, the producer would work with Garrett on how to sing and play the music he needed to know for the movie. Garrett did not let him down, his performance is just as phenomenal as Leighton's.

     Together Leighton and Garrett sing a song called "Give into Me".

Saturday, October 15, 2011


     I made this graph to represent how much I suck at blogging. Maybe I should equally divide these up. Inspirational, useful. random stories and maybe a rant here and there. I'm starting tonight! But what should I talk about?

    Random Crap:
- My best guy friend's girlfriend makes me feel hideous. I hate it :|
-My friend Chriswell (that's his last name. I don't call him by his first name) gave me a pair of airplane head phones. I'm secretly keeping them incase I'm on an airplane and headphoneless.
-My mom's cousin's dog is freaking me out right now. It's 9 PM and he's sitting in front of me looking around as if he's very concerned. Apparently animals can see things humans can't.
-The other night I was watching The Dead Files. Apparently dolls were created to house spirits. Which makes sense because they're figures with nothing inside. I have always hated dolls.

Friday, October 14, 2011

More DIY?

     So I was looking through my stats and most of my audience is obsessed with the DIY Flower Clips article. I'm thinking of doing more of those but that's the thing... I have no idea WHAT to write about or do a DIY article on. What do you guys want? PLEASE HELP! This means YOU, Jennifer and friends!
-Love, me.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My best friend got married in my kitchen... well, not really but still...

     After spending all day stuck in a corn maze with 5 of my friends, I had this insane dream. Well, it's insane for me... I don't really want Steak Sauce (you all remember her, my random foreign audience from Russia) to get married yet. TOO young D:

     It all started out, we were at this place with stacks of hay surrounding us and everyone was just kinda chillin' on blankets waiting for a guy to come out with a light saber. I looked behind me and saw my friend Matt (other best friend. Love that boy.) sitting there and he had his hair done REALLY weird. It was dyed back to blond and he had it parted down the middle and across and gelled up the hair so there was 4 horns of hair. He smiled and said hi.

     After the weird jousting competition or whatever it was, Steak Sauce and I were at my house. We were in my parents' room and her mom was in my mom and dad's bed. Steak Sauce and I were in there talking to her mom about this wedding. Her mom said to me "Would you be willing to pick up Charlie?" "MOM! THAT'S EMBARRASSING! STOP IT!" Steak Sauce yelled. 

"Well who did you want to invite? Charlie and Ron Weasley's 3rd or...7th brother?" her mom said.

Anyways, it went on like this for a while. The next thing I know, I'm in knee high fur boots and a hideous dress and Steak Sauce is in this metallic tank top and a skirt. She had on heels so you could see her toes and her toe nails were supposedly painted purple but they looked like coral pink to everyone else, which she was not happy about. It was a wedding in my kitchen.

     Everyone at the wedding was sitting in those rocking banana chair things that I remember my babysitter getting mad at me for tipping over on my back when I was little...

     So Steak Sauce and her boyfriend Tyler were getting married in my kitchen. Afterwards the reception was just everyone sitting in the living room talking about our problems.

     After the wedding, I felt the need to transfer to New Horizons Alternative High School. Which is this high school for teen moms and a lot of times the juvenile delinquents. I'm not pregnant, and I've never done anything illegal so I'm not sure why I was here. Matt went here (in this dream) and he's a good kid too so I don't know why he was there. He always dressed in a button up polo shirt and khaki shorts like my old private school made the boys dress.

That's pretty much it... o.O love you guys. Rock on, Russia... And Korea! Jennifer's in Korea >:) I have random viewers...