Monday, January 23, 2012


     Recently, Alana from Ashtyn & Friends introduced us to this awesome chick. She is a singer from Canada named LIGHTS and well... One, SHE IS HOT. I'm not even lesbian or bi, but come on, look at that! ^ I wish I was that hot. Second of all, you listen to her music and it's actually GOOD pop. It's kinda synthesized, but the lyrics really speak. 

     I know that I have heard her song Saviour but I'm not sure where. She almost sounds like Selena Gomez except her voice is more mature and she doesn't do that weird thing before each phrase of a song to help her find her pitch. And her music videos are extremely creative. Such as her music video for Second Go. 

     She kind of inspires me in a way. And I like how she seems so powerful yet gentle in her music. If you have never heard of her, go check her out! Her music is the type of music that you either automatically hate or automatically love. Or it numbs you so you're not sure if you like it or not. Some of her songs I think are ridiculous, like My Boots. Others are better though. Happy listening!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tumblr and Temple Run

Lately, I have been making many attempts to make my life more exciting. So I've been trying really random things, such as deciding to follow my Facebook friends and play Temple Run. I downloaded it the other night when I couldn't sleep and played it for about 45 minutes. Fun? All it did was tick me off. I think it's kind of a stupid game but it's like the top free game on iTunes right now. The next day in my Spanish class, all we did was a review and then whatever we wanted because it was a fiesta day. We all started about how everyone is obsessed with Temple Run and the next thing we know, all 20 something of us have our iPods or iPhones out seeing who can get the highest high score. I think it's stupid! All you do is run out of this little building getting chased by these freaky monkey bird monster things and you have to turn places and avoid fire blah blah blah and if you trip twice then you're dead. 

In my other attempts to make my life more exciting, I finally decided to make a Tumblr, since I was like the only one in Ashtyn & Friends without one. I like Tumblr, except the only thing that I don't like is that you have to know all your friends' URLs if you want to follow each other and stuff. So it's hard to even get more people on there. I feel like such an Internet obsessed nerd sometimes. I don't spend too much time on the computer but I do have.... a Facebook for social stuff, this for my creative/stupid stuff and ideas, and now a Tumblr for everything else that I need to get out. I was thinking about posting my Tumblr on here but I decided not to. >:)